2021, 7 min 30 sec, Germany
What would cruising among lesbians look like?
Cruising seems to be a normal part of the gay culture and we all know scenes from famous gay films where men cruise in parks or other public spaces. At the same time, cruising is barely practised among lesbians. Why? Pussy Cruising tackles this topic in a humorous way and takes you on a flirtatious journey between vibrant fantasy and mundane reality.
Wie würde Cruising unter lesbischen Frauen aussehen?
Cruising scheint ein normaler Bestandteil des schwulen Lebensstils zu sein, wir alle kennen Szenen aus berühmten schwulen Filmen, wo Männer nachts in Parks oder an anderen öffentlichen Orten cruisen. Gleichzeitig ist Cruising unter Lesben kaum bekannt. Warum? Pussy Cruising setzt sich auf humorvolle Weise mit diesem Thema auseinander und nimmt dich mit auf eine kokette Reise zwischen lebhafter Fantasie und profaner Realität.
¿Cómo sería el cruising entre lesbianas?
El cruising forma parte de la cultura gay y todos conocemos escenas de películas gay famosas en las que los hombres buscan sexo anónimo en parques u otros espacios públicos. Al mismo tiempo, el cruising apenas se practica entre las lesbianas. ¿Por qué? Pussy Cruising aborda este tema de una manera divertida y te lleva a un viaje de coqueteo entre la vibrante fantasía y la realidad mundana.
Come sarebbe il cruising tra lesbiche?
Il fenomeno sembra essere una normale sfaccettatura della cultura omosessuale maschile e abbiamo tutti in mente le scene di famosi film gay in cui gli uomini fanno cruising nei parchi o in altri luoghi pubblici. Allo stesso tempo, la pratica è esercitata a mala pena dalle lesbiche. Perché? Pussy Cruising affronta l'argomento in maniera spiritosa e vi conduce in un viaggio malizioso tra vibrante fantasia e realtà materiale.
Kakšen bi bil cruising med lezbijkami?
Zdi se, da je cruising običajen del gejevske kulture, in vsi poznamo prizore iz znanih gejevskih filmov, v katerih moški cruisajo po parkih ali drugih javnih prostorih. Hkrati pa cruising med lezbijkami skorajda ne obstaja. Zakaj? Pussy Cruising se te teme loteva na humoren način in te popelje na koketno potovanje med živahno fantazijo in vsakdanjo resničnostjo.
- TBA at the QueerBee LGBT Film Festival (UK)
2024 (2 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- 01.09. at the Dyke* Festival Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Campus Kippe
- 31.08. at the Dyke* Festival Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Campus Kippe
2023 (3 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- 20.08. at the Reel Desires Chennai International Queer Film Festival (Chennai, India)
- 16. & 17. 08. at the Gilbert Baker Film Festival (USA)
/ Venue: Online
- 08.01. at the Queer Film Festival Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany) / Venue: Kinobar Prager Frühling
2022 (39 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- 21.12. at the Short Film Days (Dresden, Germany) / Venue: Thalia Cinemas
- 02.12. at the Venir al Sur - Festival de Cine y Teatro Les Bi Trans Inter Feminista (Montevideo, Uruguay) / Venue: FCS - Salón L6
- 17.11. at the Stuff MX Film Festival (Mexico City, Mexico)
/ Venue: Faro Aragon
- 11.11. at the Cine En Femenino Festival (Bogota, Colombia)
/ Venue: Libres - Casa Cultural Lesbofeminista
- 01.11. - 14.11. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany) / Venue: Online via PinkLabel
- 01.11. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Kino Moviemento
- 30.10. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Kino Moviemento
- 30.10. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Kino Moviemento
- 28.10. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Kino Moviemento
- 27.10. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Kino Moviemento
- 27.10. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Babylon Kreuzberg
- 26.10. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festiva (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Kino Moviemento
- 26.10. at the Berlin Pxrn Film Festival (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Babylon Kreuzberg
- 20.10. - 30.10. at the The Athens Pxrn Film Festival (Athens, Greece) / Venue: Online Online via PinkLabel
- 14.10. at the The Athens Pxrn Film Festival (Athens, Greece) / Venue: Romantso
- 11.09. at the Long Beach QFilm Festival (Long Beach, CA, USA) / Venue: Art Theatre of Long Beach
- 03.09. at the Failed Films Festival (Los Angeles, USA) /
Venue: Pskaufman Gallery
- 20.08. at the Fervor Festival (London, UK) / Venue: Toulouse Lautrec
- 14.08. at the Out & Loud - Pune International Queer Film Festival (Pune, India) / Venue: Goethe Institut & Online (from 11.08. until 21.08.)
- 08.08. at the Short Nights of Berlin Film Festival (Berlin, Germany) / Venue: Open Air Kino Mitte (Kino Central)
- 06.08. at the FilmPride - Brighton & Hove Pride LGBTQ+ Film Fest (Brighton, Uk) / Venue: Preston Park
- 05.08. at the The Bush Films (New York City, NY, USA) /
Venue: Secret location in Brooklyn
- 05.08. at the Lakeside Film Festival (Berlin, Germany) /
Venue: Klingemühle (Chossewitz, Brandenburg)
- 17.07. at the PodFest Berlin (Berlin, Germany) / Venue: Noisy Rooms
- 16.06. at the PodFest Berlin (Berlin, Germany) / Venue: Noisy Rooms
- 26.06. at the Queer Movie Night (Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland)
/ Venue: Sett Studios
- 25.06. at the Al Borde Festival Internacional de Cine Transfeminista (Tegucigalpa, Honduras) / Venue: Museo para la Identidad Nacional de Honduras
- 14.06. - 15.06. at the KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival (Mumbai, India) / Venue: Online
- 11.06. at the Post Pxrn Film Festival Warsaw - Body. Art. Society. (Warsaw, Poland) / Venue: Kino Muranów
- 10.06. at the Post Pxrn Film Festival Warsaw - Body. Art. Society. (Warsaw, Poland) / Venue: Kino Muranów
- 08.06. at the Post Pxrn Film Festival Warsaw - Body. Art. Society. (Warsaw, Poland) / Venue: Kino Muranów
- 24.05. at the Lesbian Quarter / Lezbična Četrt Festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia) / Venue: Slovenska Kinoteka
- 21.05. at the CCCHAOS Film-/ Video-/ Gif-Festival
(Bern, Switzerland) / Venue: Zähringerstraße 42
- 12.05. at the PORNights (Vienna, Austria) / Venue: Schikaneder
- 22.04. at the Pxrn Film Festival Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
/ Venue: Schikaneder
- 20.04. at the Pxrn Film Festival Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
/ Venue: Schikaneder
- 21.03 - 27.03. at the PrideArts Spring Film Fest (Chicago, IL, USA) / Venue: Online
- 26.02. - 06.03. at the Tag! Queer Shorts Festival (Portland, OR, USA) / Venue: Online
- 08.02. at Festival Račka (Celje, Slovenia) / Venue: Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje
- 26.01. at the MicroActs Artist Film Screening (London, UK)
/ Venue: Anatomie Studio
2021 (22 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- 20.12. at the BLN Kurzfilmabend (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Kino Sputnik
- 13.12. at the Omovies Homosexual Transgender and Questioning Film Festival (Naples, Italy) / Venue: Online
- 12.12. at the Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia) / Venue: Slovenska Kinoteka
- 11.12. at the Guttercast Film Festival (South Carolina, USA)
/ Venue: Online
- 14.11. at the International Queer Film Festival Playa
del Carmen (Playa del Carmen, Mexico) / Venue: Online
- 13.11. at the Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest (London, UK)
/ Venue: Rose Lipman Building
- 09.11. at the Queersicht Film Festival (Bern, Switzerland)
/ Venue: Kellerkino
- 07.11. at the Queersicht Film Festival (Bern, Switzerland)
/ Venue: Kino i. d. Reitschule
- 07.11. at the Queerstreifen Münster (Münster, Germany)
/ Venue: CINEMA & Kurbelkiste
- 05.11. at the Queersicht Film Festival (Bern, Switzerland)
/ Venue: Kino i. d. Reitschule
- 31.10. at the Festival Internacional de Cine Transfeminista (Bogotá, Colombia) / Venue: Online
- 24.10. at the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival (Hamburg, Germany) / Venue: Metropolis Kino & Online
- 22.10. at the Festival de Cine GLBT La Paz (La Paz, Bolivia) / Venue: Online
- 16.10. at the Everybody's Perfect Geneva International Queer Film Festival (Geneva, Switzerland) / Venue: Les Cinémas Du Grütli (Salle Langlois)
- 09.10. at the Everybody's Perfect Geneva International Queer Film Festival (Geneva, Switzerland) / Venue: Les Cinémas Du Grütli (Salle Langlois)
- 08.10. at the Cinematic Panic Film Festival (Memphis, TN, USA) / Venue: Black Lodge
- 30.09. - 04.10. at the QFest: Houston International LGBTQ Film Festival (Houston, TX, USA) / Venue: Online
- 23.09. - 02.10. at the Fabulous Independent Film Festival (Sarasota, FL, USA) / Venue: Online
- 22.09. at the Florence Queer Festival (Florence, Italy)
/ Venue: Cinema La Compagnia & Online
- 06.09. at the Festival Internacional de Cine LesBiGayTrans (Asunción, Paraguay) / Venue: Centro Cultural Juan De Salazar
& Online
- 27.08. at the Queer Film Festival Oldenburg (Oldenburg,
Germany) / Venue: Cine K (Halle der Kulturetage)
- 22.08. at the Queer North Film Festival (Sudbury, ON, Canada) / Venue: Sudbury Indie Cinema

68 Film Festival Selections / Screenings
2019, 4 min, Germany / Slovenia
Just another lesbian vampire film?
''Not Your Ordinary Sister'' is a queer satire which, in a witty yet direct way, addresses both the startling popularity of lesbian vampire films as well as the lack of proper representation in queer cinema on the subject of queerness within the conservative and patriarchal religious organizations (lesbian nuns / lesbian ex-nuns).

72 Film Festival Selections / Screenings
- TBA at Movie Rooms (Cologne, Germany)
- TBA at the Brussels Pink Screens Film Festival (Brussels, Belgium)
- TBA at the Transition International Queer & Minorities Festival (Vienna, Austria)
- TBA at the Abhimani Queer Film Festival (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
- TBA at the My True Colors Festival (New York City, USA)
- TBA at the Film Fridays @ Cuties Coffee (Los Angeles, USA)
- TBA at the FEMYNISTA Filming Eve Multicultural & Intersectional /NY Screenings To All (New York City, USA)
- TBA at the Dyke Drama Film Festival (Perth, Australia)

2024 (1 Film Festival / Screening)
- 06.07. at the 2 Sides Short Film Festival: 2YKFF RetroSpective '24 (Ankara, Turkey)
2023 (1 Film Festival / Screening)
- 06.12. at the Queer Shorts Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
/ Venue: Schikaneder
2022 (5 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- 23.09. at the London Lesbian Film Festival (London, Canada)
- 25.08. at the Queer Film Festival Utrecht (Utrecht, Netherlands) / Venue: De Nijverheid
- 24.05. at the Lesbian Quarter / Lezbična Četrt Festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia) / Venue: Slovenska Kinoteka
- 08.03. - 13.03. at the FeFi Feminist Film Festival (Ljubljana,
Slovenia) / Venue: Online
- 25.02. at the Guttercast Film Festival (South Carolina,
USA) / Venue: Online
2021 (24 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- 24.11. - 12.12. at the Gilbert Baker Film Festival
(Parsons, KS, USA) / Venue: Online
- 25.11. at the FEM TOUR TRUCK International Feminist Video Art Festival (Guayaquil, Ecuador) / Venue: Plaza Pública
- 21.11. - 27.11. at the Queer 2 Queer Film Festival
(Dallas, TX, USA) / Venue: Online
- 20.11. at the Queer 2 Queer Film Festival (Dallas, TX, USA)
/ Venue: Margo Jones Theatre
- 11.11. at the MedFilm Festival (Rome, Italy)
/ Venue: Online via
- 09.11. at the MedFilm Festival (Rome, Italy)
/ Venue: Cinema Savoy
- 08.11. - 15.11. at the PrideArts Fall Film Fest (Chicago, IL, USA) / Venue: Online
- 22.10. at the Festival de Cine GLBT La Paz (La Paz, Bolivia)
/ Venue: Online
- 09.10. at the Parkflimmern Fürstenwalder Filmtage (Fürstenwalde, Germany) / Venue: Parkclub Fürstenwalde
- 28.09. at the Film Vault Presents (Manchester, UK)
/ Venue: GulliversNQ
- 25.08. at the Pride On Screen (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Bürgerplatz
- 30.07. - 13.08. at the GRRL House Cinema (Cambridge, MA, USA) / Venue: Online (The Brattlite: A Virtual Cinema)
- 30.07. at the Esto Es Para Esto Film Festival (Monterrey, Mexico) / Venue: El Expendio
- 12.07. at the GRRL House Cinema (Berlin, Germany)
/ Venue: Alte Münze
- 22.06. at the CINHOMO Film Festival (Valladolid, Spain)
/ Venue: Sala Concha Velasco (LAVA)
- 19.06. & 20.06. at the Hamilton Queer Film Festival (Hamilton, Canada) / Venue: Online
- 18.06. at the SPLICE Film Fest (New York City,USA)
/ Venue: Online
- 16.06. at the Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival (Athens, Greece)
/ Venue: Chimeres Space
- 15., 16. & 17.06. at the Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival
(Thessaloniki, Greece) / Venue: Transcendance
- 06.06. at the Queer Vision Film Festival at Pride of the Déise
(Waterford City, Ireland) / Venue: Online
- 05.06. at the Freiburger Lesbenfilmtage (Freiburg, Germany)
/ Venue: Kommunales Kino
- 04.06. at the Freiburger Lesbenfilmtage (Freiburg, Germany)
/ Venue: Schwarzes Kloster
- selected to be part of the QueerBee Films (Cornwall, UK)
(streaming platform:
- 18.02. at the Esto Es Para Esto Film Festival (Monterrey, Mexico) / Venue: Online
2020 (25 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- 11.12. - 13.12. at the Sardinia Queer Short Film Festival
(Cagliari, Italy) / Venue: Online
- 09.12. - 13.12. at the International Film Festival GLBT Santo Domingo OutFest (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
/ Venue: Online
- 19.11. - 01.12. at the qFlix USA LGBTQ+ Film Festival
(Philadelphia & Worcester, USA) / Venue: Online
- 19.11. at the Festival Mix: Cine y Diversidad Sexual / Film & Sexual Diversity (Mexico City, Mexico) / Venue: Voces
- 14.11. at the Rainbow Visions Film Festival (Edmonton, Canada) / Venue: Metro Cinema
- 09.11. at the Seoul Int'l PRIDE Film Festival (Seoul, South Korea) / Venue: CGV Movie Theatre
- 26.10. at the Cineffable Paris International Lesbian and Feminist Film Festival (Paris, France) / Venue: Online
- 24.10. & 26.10. at the Queer Streifen Regensburg (Regensburg, Germany) / Venue: Kinos im Andreasstadel
- 20.10. at the LesBiGayTrans Film Festival of Asuncion (Asuncion, Paraguay) / Venue: Online
- 11.10. - 16.10. at the International 2 Sides Short Film Festival
(Izmir, Turkey) / Venue: Online
- October 10th at the Bent Sacramento LGBTQ Film Festival
(Sacramento, USA) / Venue: Online
- 05.10. - 18.10. at the Scottish Queer International Film Festival (Glasgow, Scotland) / Venue: Online
- September 30th at the Festival de Cortometrajes en Camping (Barcelona, Spain) / Venue: Parc del Poblenou, Carrer de Carmen Amaya 18, Sant Martí, Barcelona
- September 24th until September 28th at the QFest: The Houston International LGBTQ Film Festival (Houston, USA) / Venue: Online
- September 19th until September 27th at the Some Prefer Cake - Lesbian International Film Festival (Bologna, Italy) / Venue: Online
- September 10th until September 13th at the Long Beach QFilm Festival (Long Beach, USA) / Venue: Online
- September 3rd at the Cinematic Panic Film Festival (Memphis, USA) / Venue: Online
- August 15th at the Kannibal Fest (Berlin, Germany) / Venue: Köpi
- July 26th at the KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival (Mumbai, India) / Venue: Online
- July 18th at the Louisiana LGBT+ Film Festival (Louisiana, USA) / Venue: Online
- June 4th at the Maribor Pride / Maribor Skozi Mavricna Ocala (Maribor, Slovenia) / Venue: Hostel Pekarna
- May 18th at the Fairy Tales Film Festival (Calgary, Canada) / Venue: Online
- April 17th at the St. Francis College Women's Film Festival (New York City, USA) / Venue: Online
- March 8th at the Bangalore Queer Film Festival (Bangalore, India) / Venue: Alliance Francaise de Bangalore
- January 16th at the Queers in Shorts (Cambridge, UK) / Venue: Cambridge Arts Picturehouse
2019 (8 Film Festivals)
- December 21st at the Shanghai Queer Film Festival (Shanghai, China)
- December 12th at the OMOVIES Film Festival (Naples, Italy) / Venue: Fondazione Made in Cloister
- November 27th at 12pm at the Festival Internacional de Cine con Medios Alternativos - FICMA 4.0 (Mexico City, Mexico) / Venue: Facultad de Cine
- November 26th at 7pm at the Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia) / Venue: Slovenska Kinoteka
- November 21st at 6pm at the MicroActs Artist Film Screening: ''MicroActs Presents Invert Visions'' (London, UK) / Venue: The Chateau
- November 14th at 9pm at the Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest (London, UK) / Venue: The Castle Cinema
- November 13th at 8pm at the International Queer Film Festival Playa del Carmen (Playa del Carmen, Mexico) / Venue: Le Lotus Rouge
- October 20th at 3pm at the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival (Hamburg, Germany) / Venue: Metropolis Kino



2018, 8 min, Germany / Slovenia
2023 (1 Film Festival / Screening)
- Queer Shorts Vienna (Vienna, Austria) / Venue: Schikaneder
2022 (2 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- Parkflimmern Fürstenwalder Filmtage, (Germany)
- Lesbian Quarter / Lezbična Četrt Festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
2020 (3 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- TAG! Queer Shorts Online (USA)
- Maribor Pride / Maribor Skozi Roznata Ocala (Slovenia)
- Festival Des Images Aux Mots de Toulouse (France)
2019 (13 Film Festivals / Screenings)
- Hombres Videopoetry Award (Italy)
- TQU Short Film Nights (Germany)
- Realtime International Film Festival (Nigeria)
- Festival Cine Con L (Bolivia)
- Korea Queer Film Festival (Korea)
- Xposed International Queer Film Festival (Germany)
- Esto Es Para Esto (Mexico)
- Serile Filmului Gay International Film Festival (Romania)
- Cayenne Short Film Festival (USA)
- Benton Park Film Festival (USA)
- Corvallis Queer Film Festival (USA)
- Boddinale Film Festival (Germany)
- GRRL House Cinema (Germany)
2018 (26 Festival Selections / Screenings)
- Omovies Int. LGBT and Questioning Film Festival (Italy)
- Santo Domingo OutFest (Dominican Republic)
- International Queer Film Festival Merlinka (Serbia)
- Ljubljana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (Slovenia)
- The Int. Film Festival with Alternative Media (Mexico)
- Queerencia Diversidad Audiovisual (Argentina)
- International Queer Film Festival Playa del Carmen (Mexico)
- The Hamburg International Queer Film Festival (Germany)
- MikroFAF Festival (Serbia)
- Tuzla Film Festival (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- MiniKino Film Week Bali Int. Film Festival (Indonesia)
- ZeFestival - Festival du Film Lesbien Gay Bi Trans de Polychromes (France)
- Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival (South Africa)
- Mostra Livre de Cinema (Brazil)
- FerFilm International Film Festival (Kosovo)
- International Izmir Artemis Film Festival (Turkey)
- The Short Nights of Berlin (Germany)
- Antwerp Queer Arts Festival (Belgium)
- M: Cine Por Nosotras (Argentina)
- Mix México Festival de Diversidad Sexual en Cine (Mexico)
- Diversions International Short Film Festival (Croatia)
- FECIBogotá Int. Independent Film Fair of Bogotá (Colombia)
- Splice Film Festival (USA)
- Dyke Drama Film Festival (Australia)
- RGU Film Festival (Scotland)
- qFLIX Philadelphia Film Festival (USA)
We've all done it before. We felt uncomfortable in one place, and thought that running away would solve everything. But it didn't. What is home? What is comfort? At which point will we take a risk, give it a real try, what will make us stay? And: Are we able to stay at all?
Personal struggle of a queer woman in her 30s, who is trying to find her place under the sun.
:: Wir haben es alle schon mal gemacht. Wir haben uns an einem Ort unwohl gefühlt und gedacht, Wegrennen würde alles lösen. Aber das tat es nicht. Was ist Zuhause? Was ist Geborgenheit? An welchem Punkt wagen wir es und versuchen es richtig, was hält uns an einem Ort? Und: Sind wir überhaupt fähig, zu bleiben? ::
:: Todxs lo hemos hecho antes. Nos sentimos incómodxs en un lugar, y pensamos que huir resolvería todo. Pero no fue así. ¿Qué es el hogar? ¿Qué es la comodidad? En ese momento nos arriesgaremos, lo intentaremos de verdad, ¿qué nos hará quedarnos? Y: ¿podemos quedarnos? ::

45 Film Festival Selections / Screenings
2013, 96 min, Slovenia
Queer Artivism offers an insight into five different queer film festivals through video footage and interviews with the organizers. With this it gives people who do not have the opportunity to visit various queer film festivals, a chance to experience at least five by going to just one film festival/screening.
Additionally it is a tribute to queer film festivals and presents different points of view on the current status of queer film festivals and queer films. It is also a tribute to filmmakers, festival organizers and all the people who usually remain unseen, but without whom queer film festivals and queer films would not exist.
Throughout the documentary interviewees (festival organizers, filmmakers and musicians) share their personal stories and elaborate on the importance of queer film festivals and queer film, opening a new space for discussion, reflection and evaluation of queer film festivals and queer film in today’s society.
2015 (4 Festival Selections)
- Cine GLBT La Paz Festival (Bolivia)
- Shanghai PRIDE Film Festival (China)
- Zinentiendo Muestra De Cine Lgtbqi (Spain)
- Boddinale Film Festival (Germany)
2014 (24 Festival Selections)
- Santo Domingo OutFest (Dominican Republic)
- Andalesgai Festival de Cine LGBT de Andalucía (Spain)
- Internationale Queere Migrantische Filmtage (Austria)
- Serile Filmului Gay Festival (Romania)
- El Lugar Sin Limites (Ecuador)
- Festival de Cine por la Diversidad Movilh (Chile)
- Appalachian Queer Film Festival (USA)
- Festival Venezolano de Cine de la Diversidad (Venezuela)
- Bogotá Lady Fest (Colombia)
- Muestra Int. de Cine con Perspectiva de Género (Mexico)
- Q! Film Festival (Indonesia)
- Thessaloniki International LGBTQ Film Festival (Greece)
- Festival de Cine Les Bi Gay Trans de Asunción (Paraguay)
- Cine GLBT La Paz Festival (Bolivia)
- Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival (South Africa)
- Mix Mexico Festival de Cine y Video (Mexico)
- Outfest Perú Festival de Cine GLTB (Perú)
- Libercine (Argentina)
- Outview Film Festival (Greece)
- LGBT Film festival (Poland)
- Boston LGBT Film Festival (USA)
- Cinhomo Muestra Cine LGBT (Spain)
- Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival (Canada)
- Zinegoak (Spain)
2013 (4 Festival Selections)
- Omovies (Italy)
- MixBrasil (Brazil)
- LesGaiCineMad (Spain)
- FerFilm International Film Festival (Kosovo)
- Screening organised by LLH Troms (15.09.2015; Tromsø, Norway)
- Screening organised by Tolerant Youth Association (12.03,2015; Vilnius, Lithuania)
- Screening in Russia – not revealing the name of the organizers for security reasons (07.03.2015; Yekaterinburg, Russia)
- Screening organised by Asociatia Accept as part of the LGBT History Month Festival (19.02.2015; Bucharest, Romania)
- Screening organised by Identoba (05.02.2015; Tbilisi, Georgia)
- The Activist-in-Residence program organised by the non-profit organization Gotland Rainbow Group (03. – 06.11.2014; Visby, Sweden)
- Queer Film Culture: Queer Cinema and Film Festivals (International Conference in conjunction with the Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg / International Queer Film Festival, 14-15.10.2014; Hamburg, Germany)

32 Film Festival Selections
2012, 6 min, Slovenia
A typical day in a typical life of a typical couple trying to communicate their way through their typical relationship.
:: Un día típico en una vida típica de una pareja típica que intenta comunicarse en su típica relación. ::
:: Una tipica giornata nella tipica vita di una tipica coppia, che cerca di comunicare il proprio modo di essere attraverso la propria tipica relazione. ::
:: Ein typischer Tag im typischen Leben eines typischen Paares, das seinen Weg durch seine typische Beziehung zu kommunizieren versucht. ::
:: Une journée typique dans la vie typique d‘un couple typique essayant de communiquer à leur façon dans leur relation typique. ::
- Queer Cambridge (UK)
- Summer Benefit for the Long Island Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (USA)
- Pedal Party Vol II (Poland)
51 Film Festival Selections
2015 (1 Festival Selection / Screening)
- Ludlow Fringe Festival (UK)
2014 (7 Festival Selections / Screenings)
- Espacio Queer Film Festival (Argentina)
- Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg (Germany)
- FerFilm Festival (Kosovo)
- Curta O Gênero (Brazil)
- Queer Media Festival (UK)
- Boddinale (Germany)
- The Little Queer Film Festival (Australia)
2013 (37 Festival Selections / Screenings)
- Merlinka (Serbia)
- KRAF Festival (Croatia)
- Santo Domingo OutFest (Dominican Republic)
- For Rainbow Festival (Brazil)
- Ayvalik International Film Festival (Turkey)
- Indianapolis LGBT Film Festival (USA)
- Queersicht Film Festival (Switzerland)
- Florence Queer Festival (Italy)
- Louisville LGBT Film Festival (USA)
- Shropshire Rainbow Film Festival (UK)
- Q Cinema: Fort Worth's Gay & Lesbian Int. Film Festival (USA)
- Queerly Unframed (Germany)
- Autumn Equinox Vagrant Festival (Belarus)
- Festival Venezolano de Cine de la Diversidad (Venezuela)
- GAZE Film Festival Dublin (Ireland)
- Q Fest Houston (USA)
- FEMINA: Festival Internacional de Cinema Feminino (Brazil)
- Festival de Cine LesBiGayTrans de Asunción (Paraguay)
- Rio Festival Gay de Cinema (Brazil)
- Festival de Cine y Diversidad Sexual de La Paz (Bolivia)
- Durban Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (South Africa)
- Connecticut Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (USA)
- Kyiv International Queer Film Festival (Ukraine)
- Kashish Mumbai International Queer Film Festival (India)
- Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival (Turkey)
- Festival Internacional Mujeres En Foco (Argentina)
- Pink Apple Film Festival (Switzerland)
- Cinhomo LGBT Film Festival (Spain)
- Polish LGBT Film Festival (Poland)
- Queer Festival Heidelberg (Germany)
- Davis Feminist Film Festival (USA)
- Women's Film Festival (USA)
- Vues Parallèles LGBT Film Festival (Canada)
- Dyke Drama Short Film Festival (Australia)
- Bangalore Queer Film Festival (India)
- Festival Por Amor Al Arte (Spain)
- Zinegoak Bilbao International GLT Film Festival (Spain)
2012 (3 Festival Selections / Screenings)
- Omovies Homosexual and Questioning Film Festival (Italy)
- Sardinia Queer Short Film Festival (Italy)
- ProFire Short Film Festival (Scotland)
20 Film Festival Selections
2013 (1 Festival Selection)
- Festival Por Amor Al Arte (Spain)
2012 (17 Festival Selections)
- Sardinia Queer Short Film Festival (Italy)
- Serile Filmului Gay International Film Festival (Romania)
- Q! Film Festival (Indonesia)
- Kansai Queer Film Festival (Japan)
- Entzaubert D.I.Y Queer Film Fest (Germany)
- LesBiGayTrans Film Festival de Asunción (Paraguay)
- GLBT La Paz Film Festival (Bolivia)
- Outfest Peru Festival de Cine Gay Lesbico Trans Bi (Peru)
- Mix Mexico Festival de Cine y Video (Mexico)
- Q Cinema Fort Worth's Gay & Lesbian Int. Film Festival (USA)
- International Film Festival Isola Cinema (Slovenia)
- KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival (India)
- The Tropical Alternatives Film Festival (Australia)
- Cambodia LGBT Pride (Cambodia)
- Queer Zagreb (Croatia)
- Rainbow Reels Queer Film Festival (Canada)
- Zinegoak Bilbao International GLT Film Festival (Spain)
2011 (2 Festival Selections)
- Omovies Homosexual and Questioning Film Festival (Italy)
- Q Fest Pune (India)
2011, 20 min, Slovenia
All lesbians are butch, all gays are feminine. Are you sure?
It's time to break those stereotypes and show a different side of who we are! After all, stereotypes are stereotypes and nothing more.
The film is a series of animations that questions our ideas of gender, sexuality and identity. Battling stereotypes, it provokes us to rethink much of what we understand and how we understand it.


Maša Zia Lenárdič and Anja Wutej are self-taught filmmakers born in Slovenia, where Anja graduated from Faculty of Arts and Maša from Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security. In 2013, they moved to Berlin, Germany where they now live, work and create.
Their films are focused on queer topics and involve queer characters and their stories.
Together, they have created 5 independent, no budget, queer films: ''Take It / Break It'' (2011), ''(A)Typical Couple'' (2012), ''Queer Artivism'' (2013), ''Disconnected'' (2018) and ''Not Your Ordinary Sister'' (2019), which have so far been screened at approx. 200 international film festivals all around the world. In 2021 they completed their 5th short queer film ''Pussy Cruising'', which was partially funded and supported by Queer Scope.